Welcome to Preach & Teach LLC
Preach & Teach is founded on the principle that everyday citizens deserve unpretentious practical education to make themselves assets and not liabilities. Preach & Teach was born out of the necessity to answer the call for high quality personal protection and firearm training for all levels of shooters.
Committed to Safety and Education
My goal is to provide a comprehensive package of courses designed to help both beginning and advance shooters improve their skills in the shooting sports, including safe gun handling. Through engaging and hands-on educational opportunities, Preach & Teach LLC continuously cultivates future 2A leaders. I specialize in meeting each individual where they are in their current comfort level, knowledge, and skill in handling firearms, through patient, thorough instruction.   If this is what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to learn more and join our growing community.
Training Courses
No Fear 365